Thursday, September 26, 2013

How should We learn new Language?

Today I’m going to talk about my opinion about learning language. Well, first of all, We must realize that we need language in our life, don't we ?  

Of course, every baby needs language as a media to expresses what he/she wants. So, baby learns every word and records it in his/her brain. Of course baby can not use it to speaks before he/she really has enough natural ability for it. So after the time is coming, he/she naturally can use a lot of vocabularies in the sentence in speaking with mother, father or friends.  

What do I mean of this story? I would like to say that we should learn new language like how kids learned. We should do it naturally without oppression. 

Well, some one might said to me, "we are different with 'baby' ". Of course! I don’t say we are same. I want to say that we should learn language naturally like kids learn. Learning language naturally, we start from listening as much as we can.

Listening is the basic way for kids to learn their mother tongue. So, we do listening while memorizing new vocabularies that we can take from listening or from another resource. I think that we need time to be fluent. So, process is really needed for being fluent. 

Doing activity as a habit is absolutely good. It can be used for learning language. I want to say if we can do learning new language constantly, managing a schedule and always be on time to do that in our activity, that would be great.

Then, the last thing that I want to say is that when kids have enough vocabularies, they try to practice it in talking with mother, father, brother, and friends. It is naturally, because human being need it to survive. 

Well, so we must practice our vocabularies to be able to speak language we learn. At a least we use very common vocab in the sentences every day. I think It’ll help us to be  faster to get fluent in language we learn. 

So, it’s simple to learn new language, unless we don’t have to get it directly, without any difficulties and process. So, we should do it naturally, by phase of learning. Doing naturally it means we learn language intently, constantly, every time, focus on it until we get it easily, spontaneously, in our speaking. Well, good luck for your learning.
Wanna Listen To The Audio, here you are: How should we learn Language?

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